New Directions for Community Colleges
Volume 2020, Issue 192 (Winter 2020)
Editors: Debra D. Bragg, Theresa Ling Yeh, Lia Wetzstein, and Elizabeth Apple Meza
Articles Include:
How Transfer Partnerships Support More Equitable Baccalaureate Attainment
Debra D. Bragg
A Continuum of Transfer Partnerships: Toward Intentional Collaborations to Improve Transfer Outcomes
Theresa Ling Yeh & Lia Wetzstein
Exploring How Institutional Partners Vary in Outcomes for Transfer Students of Color
Elizabeth Apple Meza & Grant Blume
Conceptualizations and Strategies to Enhance Student Success in the Transfer Swirl
Maria Claudia Soler
Empirical and Practical Implications for Documenting Early Racial Transfer Gaps
Gloria Crisp, Charlie Potter, Rebecca Robertson, and Vincent Carales
Infusion of Equity-Mindedness across Transfer Pathways in Washington State
Kristi Wellington-Baker & Joyce Hammer
Supporting an Evolving Transfer Partnership in Ohio: The UD Sinclair Academy
Kimberly Collins, Christopher Welch, and Julia Thompson